To make a solemn, formal declaration under the penalty of perjury that certain statements are true. An affirmation is legally equivalent to an oath and may be substituted for an oath when a document requires an oath for its execution, i.e., an affidavit.
The term 'marriage' is defined as a legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a relationship. Understanding this definition is crucial to both the individuals wishing to marry as well as the notary performing the marriage.
The written notarial certificate on any sworn statement or affidavit completed by the notary public indicating that the document was sworn or affirmed to by the signer.
A Notary Signing Agent is a Notary who has been trained to handle loan documents. Lenders and title companies hire Signing Agents as independent contractors to assist in the last step of the loan process.
A formal declaration before an authorized official (a notary public) by a person signing an instrument that such execution is his or her free act and deed. The term also refers to the notary's certificate on the document indicating that it was so acknowledged.
The form requires the notary public, to certify that he or she has physically inspected the vehicle and found the VIN to be identical to the number recorded on the form. The notary public will include the date, sign the document, print his or her name, and affix his or her notary seal.
A copy of a document or record, signed and certified as a true copy by the public official who has custody of the original record. NOTE: A notary may make an "attested photocopy," but not a certified copy. A certified copy is not the same as an original document.
A public officer appointed by the Governor whose function is to administer oaths; to take acknowledgments of deeds and other instruments; to attest to photocopies of certain documents; and to perform other duties specified by law
The officials acts of a notary public administering an oath, taking an acknowledgment, attesting to a photocopy, or any other other act authorized by law.
Serving Keystone Heights and all surrounding counties. We work a very varied hours, so please reach out for an appointment, yes even at 2am!